Awards & Recognitions

Alvin Tan: Best Claimant Winner of YSIAC's Writing Competition 2020


Alvin Tan has won the Young Singapore International Arbitration Centre's (YSIAC's) "Best Claimant" prize in their annual Writing Competition.

This is a prestigious recognition, with a total number of 85 entries from across 25 jurisdictions received.  All participants submitted a brief for the Claimant or for the Respondent, based on a fictious mock case.  Entries were reviewed and shortlisted by the YSIAC Committee and winners selected by a panel of judges which included members of the SIAC Board of Directors and SIAC Court of Arbitration, including: Chan Leng Sun, SC, Julie Bedard and Joaquin P. Terceno.

Winners were selected on the basis of originality, critical analysis, clarity, pragmatism, persuasiveness, structure of arguments, selection and use of relevant authorities, succinctness and overall quality of writing.

As a winner, Alvin will have the opportunity to roleplay as mock counsel and present his winning submission orally at an upcoming YSIAC webinar.


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