Tobias Magyar is an associate in our Competition and Antitrust Group, and our Administrative Law and Public Procurement Group in Zurich. His focus lies on public law litigation and advising clients in administrative procedures. He has represented clients in complex antitrust investigations and other administrative proceedings in a variety of areas, such as transportation, postal services, health care, and energy.


  • Cartel Investigations and Dawn Raids
  • Public Procurement Contracts and Procedures
  • Merger Control Procedures
  • Energy, Postal and Healthcare Regulation
  • Swiss Internal Market and Marketing Authorisation Procedures
  • Access to Official Records Procedures


Professional Experience
Associate at Schellenberg Wittmer
Associate at a major business law firm in Zurich
Junior Associate at a major business law firm in Zurich
Research Associate at the Secretariat of the Swiss Competition Commission
Paralegal at a law firm in Baden
Education and Admission
Bar Admission in Switzerland
Master of Law, University of Zurich
Bachelor of Law, University of Zurich

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